Friday, 8 April 2011

2011 高考經濟學 選擇題 答案

This blog has been on hiatus for quite some time and it almost becomes a platform for students to gain a sense of security amid a most spine-tingling event of the year. Again I receive a flux of enquiries for the suggested answers, even from those of you that I don’t possibly know but lay full confidence on me for the exactitude you find in my answers for the past two years. I’m delighted of course to provide all of you with an expectation that will put you at ease or at least satisfy your curiosity. I feel obliged to state again that I don’t mind teachers borrowing answers here without paying a premium, as the cost of enforcing exclusivity would be prohibitively high, and the time of the release of answers contains indicative information. My reserve is for the discussions that certain teachers or students in lack of knowledge and intelligence engage themselves in, and I am but too bored to entertain questions, or senseless criticisms, of this kind.


  1. thx for your ans, Cliff.


    因為我認為LOD本身不帶有(contain)Testable implications,它只是一個assertion,因為Qd不能觀察,so A wrong

    但我們可用局限改變,來指出相對價格改變,來derive/yield一個testable implication, 所以 B對

  2. 你都識講LOD係一個ASSERTION/POSTULATE/AXIOM. It merely serves as a starting point of an analysis but not a theory itself.
    The complete framework of a theory係
    1.LOD or postulate of constrained maximiztion
    2.constraints, which must be observable
    3.testable implication

    so the answer is C

  3. 你都識講LOD係 assertion/postulate/axiom,姐係=唔係THEORY
    The complete framework of a theory should be:
    1.Postulate, e.g. LOD,constrained max.
    2.constraints, which must be observable
    3.testable implications.

    so the answer is D

  4. Thx the answer..
    I want to ask the question 16....Law of diminishing return is empirical law , 已經被事實證實左既野,又點會被事實所refute呢?

  5. Thank you.
    不過我想問下paper1 MC 第19條 同倉庫理論有冇矛盾??

  6. HI

  7. NO,MACRO第8條係D

  8. 要素可以被觀察就可以被推翻架啦
    只不過Law of diminishing return未被推翻姐 , 唔係冇可能

  9. 樓上發問既各位 唔該睇清楚Cliff寫咩

    My reserve is for the discussions that certain teachers or students in lack of knowledge and intelligence engage themselves in, and I am but too bored to entertain questions, or senseless criticisms, of this kind.

    唔信既話就姑且等10月睇考評局答案 咪咁多廢話

  10. cliff yeung 首先我好多謝你既answer....但係我想問一問第2題....scarcity係會imply 到existence of price....但係如果無well-define 既property right.....又點會有price呢?可能我concept 有錯,所以想請教一下thx
